Friday, July 12, 2013

When you Wear the same Clothes Everyday

La Comunidad de Fe Church started a school several years ago. Alba noticed that there were kids on the streets who weren't in school. When she realized they weren't in school because they had no money to afford an education, she took it upon herself to start one. She spends her days directing the school, teaching older students, and fighting with the government to find scholarships for these street kids to be able to come to school. 

Each day the school provides a meal, one that is calorie-packed and nutrient-filled, and hot. For many students, that's the only meal they eat all day. Most kids come back to school after Christmas break having lost some weight. 

Most students have a uniform. But there are a few who wear their own clothes because they can't afford to buy a school uniform. 

Estrella and Yonatan (below) have worn the same clothes everyday this week. They live on the streets. They have no food. Not much is known about their parents or their home life. 

But when you wear the same clothes everyday, you have a different perspective on life. When you wear the same clothes everyday, you slowly suck on your sucker for a couple of minutes and put it away to save for later. When you wear the same clothes everyday, you don't take the sticker off it's paper because you want to make sure and stick it somewhere it won't be torn up. When you wear the same clothes everyday, a piece of chalk is a like a brand new car. 

Estrella likes to dance. Yonatan likes to draw. She twirls and giggles. He finds a corner by himself so he can work on his pictures without any distractions. And because they have little, they are creative with everything. 

Maybe, if I wore the same clothes everyday, I'd  be a  better dancer and a better artist. 

Maybe, that's why God calls us to clothes ourselves in: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Because that way, we get to wear the same clothes everyday. And in these clothes, we learn to be creative with the gifts God has blessed us with. In these clothes, we are as beautiful as Estrella and Yonatan are. 

When we wear the same clothes everyday, our hearts are open to see the little blessings God throws upon us as big blessings, savoring those moments as these kids savor their suckers. 


PS: The New Hope team is doing a wonderful job with these kids at the school. Today is their last day with them. Their hearts are full and sad to leave. 


  1. Feeling very hambled and kind of sad as I read this. So thankful you are all there bringing God's message and compassion to them and sharing their stories with us so that we may clothe ourselves in compassion and love for all God's children. Rudi

  2. Well your mother and I have discussed it again, I think you are tanning. She says you do not concur with my observation, anyway it appears that red-heads can tan. Nice tan. love dad
